Three of Wands Meaning in Tarot

Three of wands meaning in Tarot

About Three of Wands
Meaning in Tarot

“Nothing happens until something moves.” This simple yet profound observation made by Einstein set the stage for Two of Wands in which a creative idea was born.

The Three of Wands represents the watcher of these creative ideas we’ve started in our lives. From high vantage points, and with unlimited stores of resources, knowledge and time we observe the unfolding of our creative desires.

Keywords for the Three of Wands Tarot Card Meaning:

  • Time
  • Calm
  • Power
  • Insight
  • Solitary
  • Journey
  • Planning
  • Foresight
  • Adventure
  • Advantage
  • Confidence
  • Progression
  • Perspective
  • Forecasting
  • Contemplation

The Three of Rods reminds us that we are infinite in our creative resources. We are in constant motion and the momentum of our manifestations is staggering. This card indicates our powerful nature and suggests we allow our desires to tumble into our laps like ripe fruit: sweet and satisfying.

Three of wands meaning in Tarot
Three of wands meaning in Tarot

No action is needed here. Rather, the movement of which Einstein speaks is the acknowledgment that time (in all its phases) is on our side and our only action is to recognize our presence as the divine overseer of our experience.

We are ambassadors of our own dreams – the Three of Wands reminds us of our nobility in this respect, and indicates all we need do is allow the royal red carpet of our manifestations to unfurl itself right at our feet.

In a reading, this card says: “watch with awareness and with expectation of your highest good.”

A few symbol meanings for the Three of Wands in Tarot:

symbolic mountain meaning in Tarot

Mountains: Seen on many of the cards, mountain symbol meanings deal with triumph, challenge, attainment, and realization. Mountains also represent timelessness and an endurance that is infinite. When those mountains peak out of the cards into our attention, we may consider the vastness of our universe, and contemplate our place within it. We may also want to consider the heights to which we are climbing, and what the realization of our goals may mean for us and those around us.

symbolic ship meaning in Tarot

Ship: Yes, of course, ship symbol meanings deal with travel and journeys. However a commonly overlooked factor is the medium upon which they said – water – it deals with the deeper levels of the psyche and the subconscious. When Ships sail across your vision in a reading, take into consideration where your thoughts (psyche) are traveling – what kind of baggage (cargo) are you carrying around, and are you charting (navigating) out the best course for your thoughts and emotions?

Some questions the Three of Wands asks us:

  • What plans have I set in motion that I must now observe their fruition?
  • Am I observing myself and my dreams from the highest vantage point possible?
  • Am I allowing my highest good to unfold on the journey?
  • Am I allowing my natural power to flow, or am I struggling and forcing things needlessly?
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