Policies of Tarot Teachings
Please take a moment to review these policies.
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All content, information, graphics, forms, images, documents, and products are intellectual property of www.TarotTeachings.com, and protected under copyright law. All rights are reserved. Attribution is given where images or content are not original to the author of this website by listing author/artists name and/or hyperlinks to the source. Non specific, non direct references to material are attributed on the Resource page. No part of this website may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information retrieval system, without permission from the owners. Use of written content on this site for educational and nonprofit purposes is encouraged and may be done so with attribution by acknowledging the source of information which is www.tarotteachings.com. A hyperlink back to this site is standard when referencing written content in an online format. In other words, link back to this website if you’re referencing material here (give credit where credit is due). If you are unclear about this policy, contact me.
Your Privacy
I’m rabid about privacy, and I follow the “Golden Rule” when it comes to information exchange. That means you can trust the information you share with me (in email, contact forms, comments, content contribution, newsletter subscriptions) will be honored and respected. I never resell your information to third parties, and that’s a promise.
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Obviously, ads are used on this website as a means to counter costs and overhead. 99.5% of the time these ads are on the up-and-up (relevant, high-integrity, trustworthy). If, however, you’ve clicked on an advertisement that leads you to an unsatisfactory experience, please know this is not the responsibility of the owner or tarotteachings.com.
Additionally, Tarot Teachings is an Amazon Associate and an Etsy Associate. This means that whats-your-sign sponsors certain products from Amazon or Etsy with promotional links on this website. Should you click on one of these promotional links and make the purchase from this website link, TarotTeachings.com receives a small commission for the purchase.
About Symbolic Meanings on this Site
Views and opinions expressed in this website are made for and by the owner for no other reason than to expand experience and knowing (although, entertainment-value is also a plus). Personal opinions expressed here and in correspondence are, well…personal. In the end, interpretations of any sort are strictly your own responsibility.
It should be clear the symbolic messages, observations, symbols and ideas on this website are my personal perspectives. In the world of symbolism everything is subjective. That means symbolism is in the eye of the beholder.
If you’re not sure of a symbolic meaning, do more research for yourself until you are satisfied with the meaning.
Symbolic meanings are extremely personal, it’s just good sense to do your own personal research to “flesh out” a deeper meaning for self-satisfaction.
Thanks, love, peace, namaste,