Card Order in Tarot Spread

card order in Tarot spread

A Question About Card Order in Tarot Spread – Help!

Hello Avia,

My question is about card order in Tarot spread.

In the quest for better understanding of the Tarot, I was reviewing the information you share in the Layouts & Spreads section of your site, which I found to be quite helpful. As I read and noted the details of what you share, I realized that you don’t specify an order of card placement.

From my basic experience, I have noticed that the order of the cards in a layout do have bearing in the result. Could you please elaborate on this.

My warm regards,


Avia’s Response to the Question:
“Card Order Tarot Spread”

Hello Eric,

It’s a great question you’ve asked here.

I pull the center card (representing the ‘core’ or ‘you’ in the spread) first.

A crossing card (if there is one) is pulled second.

Then, I typically begin pulling from left to right on past to present placements.

Meaning, if you were to look at a clock-face, I pull the third card for the 9 o’clock position (typically a position representing past, or west, left, behind, retrospect).

Subsequent cards are pulled in clockwise fashion: noon, 3, 6, and so on.

I realize not all spreads will be working from left to right on past to present placements. Even so, I like the idea of westward/retrospect cards laying out some back-story to the Tarot narrative while moving forward to unfold more illuminating details.

I’m not sure there is a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ order to pulling cards for a spread. Unless of course you’re working with a very specific spread.

Hope this answers your question about some ideas for pulling cards in order for Tarot spreads.



card order in Tarot spread
Card order in Tarot spread

Comment on “Card Order In Tarot Spread” Question

From: Kelly

I have noticed that , when I pull a card for a question, the cards often want to talk about the past before getting to “present” time.

I pay special attention to these cards as they will show me if a person has been struggling to overcome an obstacle, or there is a history of feeling blocked. this gives a background to the reading…and also shows an important aspect that will color the rest of the reading.

From: Josephine

I like your comment on not ignoring the past by rushing to reads cards relating to the future or present. Makes a lot of sense. Thanks for your post.

Jo from Las Vegas

From: Avia Venefica

Hi everybody. Thanks for all your great comments.

It’s important to know these are just pointers in spread-order. I’ve seen many variations from other readers regarding card order.

The Tarot is a lot of things. I think what it is MOSTLY is a very personal tool. From card meanings to card order, your experience with the Tarot is personal. What you are compelled to do, or what you feel most comfortable with should be the technique you use.

As always, thanks for reading!



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