Tarot Resources
The information on this website comes from my own unique perspectives. Much of the information also comes from conveyances passed down through my lineage. Also, the majority of conclusions on this website come about from personal observation and meditation.
I do not use the internet as a resources because I feel this defeats the purpose of having an original and dynamic online source to symbols and signs.
Symbolic information on this website in need of fact-checking or fleshing out is made possible by this list of resources:
Title | Author |
Alchemy & Mysticism | Alexander Roob |
Alchemy & Mysticism The Hermetic Cabinet | Alexander Roob |
All About the Months | Maymie R. Krythe |
Amulets & Superstitions | E.A. Wallis Budge |
Ancient Indians | Roy A. Gallant |
Angels | James Underhill |
Animal Speak | Ted Andrews |
Animal Spirit Guides | Steven D. Farmer, Phd |
Animal Totems | Trish MacGregor & Millie Gemondo |
Animal Wise | Ted Andrews |
Art Explosion 300,000 (images) | Nova Development |
Art Nouveau Motifs | Dover |
Astrological Gardening | Louise Riotte |
Astrology | Ronald C. Davison |
Astrology Alchemy & the Tarot | John Sandbach |
Best Quotations | Lewis C. Henry |
Birthsigns | Molly Gowen & Lavinia Hamer |
Book of Dream Symbols | Klaus Vollmar |
Book of the Jaguar Priest | Maud Worcester Makemson |
Celtic Magic | D.J. Conway |
Celtic Moon Signs | Helena Paterson |
Celtic Myst & Legends | T.W. Rolleston |
Celtic Symbols | Sabine Heinz |
Classic Tattoo Designs (images) | Dover |
Codes & Secret Writing | Herbert S. Zim |
Complete book of Herbs | Andi Clevely & Katherine Richmond |
Complete Book of Witchcraft | Raymond Buckland |
Complete Encyclopedia of Signs & Symbols | Mark O’Connell & Raje Airey |
Complete Guide to Divination | Cassandra Eason |
Complete Illustrated Book of the Psychic Sciences | Walter B. Gibson & Litzka R. Gibson |
Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Witchcraft & Practical Magic | Susan Greenwood & Raje Airey |
Complete Illustrated Guide to Runes | Nigel Pennick |
Complete Medicinal Herbal | Penelope Ody |
Crafters Design Library of Fantasy (images) | Chris Down |
CreataCard (images) | Broderbund |
Cultural Antrhopology | Haviland |
Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic | Scott Cunningham |
Dancing with Dragons | D.J. Conway |
Decoding the Celts | Claire Hamilton & Steve Eddy |
Decorations of the Art Nouveau Period | Carol Belanger Grafton |
Designs and Patterns for Embroiderers (images) | Marion Nichols |
Developing ESP Power | Jane Roberts |
Deviant Moon Tarot | Patrick Valenza |
Dictionary of Alchemy | Diana Fernando |
Dictionary of Omens & Superstitions | Philippa Waring |
Dictionary of Superstitions | David Pickering |
Dictionary of Symbolism | Hans Biedermann |
Dictionary of Symbols | J.E. Cirlot |
Dictionary of Symbols | Jack Tresidder |
Dictionary of Symbols | Carl G. Liungman |
Dictionary of Symbols, Myths & Legends | Didier Colin |
Dictionary of the Esoteric | Nevill Drury |
Dictionary of World Myth | Roy Willis |
Do It Yourself Astrology | Lyn Birkbeck |
Dragons a Natural History | Dr. Karl Shuker |
Dreamers Dictionary | Garuda |
Dreams an Illustrated Guide | Adam Fronteras |
Encyclopedia of Native American Healing | William S. Lyon |
Encyclopedia of Tibetan Symbols and Motifs | Richard Beer |
Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols | J.C.Cooper |
Everyday Life Through the Ages | Readers Digest |
Family Sun Signs | Adam Fronteras |
Fifty Thousand Web Graphics (images) | Macmillan Digital Publishing |
Get a Grip on Dreams | Maeve Ennis & Jennifer Parker |
Giant Encyclopedia of Superstitions | The Diagram Group |
Goddess Tarot | Kris Waldherr |
Good Magic | Marina Medici |
Great Book of Dragon Patterns (images) | Lora Irish |
Guided by the Moon | Johanna Paungger & Thomas Poppe |
Guilded Tarot | Ciro Marchetti |
Haindl Tarot | Hermann Haindl |
Healing Stoned | Julia Lorusso & Joel Glick |
Herder Dictionary of Symbols | Boris Matthews |
Heroes of the Dawn | Fergus Fleming |
Hunab Ku | Karen Speerstra & Joel Speerstra |
Illustrated guide to Signs & Symbols | Clare Gibson |
Illustrated Dictionary of Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya | Mary Miller & Karl Taube |
Illustrated Dictionary of Mythology | Philip Wilkinson |
Illustrated Dictionary of Religions | Philip Wilkinson |
Illustrated Encyclopedia of Divination | Stephen Karcher |
Indian Luck Book | Monisha Bharadwaj |
Initiation into the Tarot | Naomi Ozaniec |
Intuitive Tarot | Cilla Conway |
It’s Raining Frogs & fishes | Jerry Dennis |
Jupiter Signs | Madalyn Aslan |
Karma Cards | Monte Farber |
Keystone of Tarot Symbols | Holy Order of Mans |
Leaves | Alic Thoms Vitale |
Leonardo DaVinci Tarot | I. Ghiuselev & A. Atanassov |
Life on the Banks of the Nile | Time Life Books |
Love Signs | Linda Goodman |
Magical Symbols of Love & Romance | Richard Webster |
Making Medicine | David Carson |
Man and his Symbols | Carl G. Jung |
Mandalas of the World | Rudiger Dahlke |
Meaning of Flowers | Warne |
Medicinal Plants | Hans Fluck |
Medicine Wheel Earth Astrology | Sun Bear and Wabun |
Minerva Rules Your Future | Barrie Dolnick |
Morgan-Greer Tarot | Bill Greer & Lloyd Morgan |
Mother Earth Spirituality | Ed McGaa, Eagle Man |
Mythology of American Nations | David M. Jones & Brian L. Molyneaux |
Myths | Lucia Impelluso |
Myths and Their Meaning | MaxJ. Herzbert |
Native Americans, an Illustrated History | Alvin M. Josephy, Jr. |
Natural Magick | Cassandra Eason |
Nature Speak | Ted Andrews |
Necronomicon Tarot | Donald Tyson |
On Astrology | Peter Livingston |
One Thousand Motifs for Crafters (images) | Alan D. Gear & Barry Freestone |
One Thousand Symbols | Rowena & Rupert Shepherd |
Osho Zen Tarto | Osho |
Parkers’ Astrology | Julia & Derek Parker |
Pictorial Key to the Tarot | Arthur Edward Waite |
Practical Feng Shui | Lillian Too |
Print Master Platinum (images) | Broderbund |
Print Workshop (images) | ValuSoft |
Psychic Tarot | Craig Junjulas |
Quotationary | Leonard Roy Frank |
Rider-Waite Tarot | Arthur Edward Waite |
Rodale’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs | Rodale Press |
Runic Tarot | Caroline Smith & John Astrop |
Sacred Rose Tarot | Johanna Gargiulo-Sherman |
Secret Language of Birthdays | Gary Goldschneider & Joost Elffers |
Secret Language of Relationships | Gary Goldschneider & Joost Elffers |
Seven Arrows | Hyemeyohsts Storm |
Shapeshifter Tarot | Conway & Knight |
Signs of Life | Angeles Arrien |
Silver Broomstick | Silver Ravenwolf |
Sixty Two Hundred Remarks and Epigrams | Edmund Fuller |
Sky Gods | Katherine Komaroff |
Sleeping with a Sunflower | Louise Riotte |
Spirits, Fairies, Leprechauns & Goblins | Carol Rose |
Stone Power II | Dorothee L. Mella |
Stories of Ancient Peoples | Henry Smith Chapman |
Stratagems | Julia Lorusso & Joel Glick |
Sun Signs | Linda Goodman |
Symbolism Holidays Myths and Signs | Imam Alauddin Shabazz |
Symbols | Sandra Forty |
Symbols of Native America | Heike Owusu |
Tarot Mirror of the Soul | Gerd Ziegler |
Tarot of the Orient | Severino Baraldi |
Tattoo Designs (images) | Henry Ferguson |
Terrific Iron On Transfers (images) | Leisure Arts |
The Adepts | Manly P. Hall |
The Alchemical Mandala | Adam McLean |
The Amateur Naturalist | Nick Baker |
The American Indian in America | Janye Clark Jones |
The Art of Divination | Didier Blau |
The Art of Shen Ku | Zeek |
The Book of Celtic Symbols | Joules Taylor |
The Celtic Shaman | John Matthews |
The Complete New Tarot | Onno Docters van Leeuwen & Rob Docters van Leeuwen |
The Crowley Tarot | Akron-Hajo Banzhaf/Aleister Crowley |
The Egyptian Miracle | R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz |
The Element Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures | Caitlin Matthews |
The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs & Symbols | Adele Nozedar |
The Element Encyclopedia of the Psychci World | Theresa Cheung |
The Good Luck Zbook | Bill Harris |
The Great cosmic Mother | Monica Sjoo & Barbara Mor |
The I Ching Workbook | R.L. Wing |
The Key to Astrology | Raphael |
The Maya in Life, Myth & Art | Timothy Laughton |
The Mythic Tarot | Juliet Sharman-Burke & Liz Greene |
The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need | Joanna Martine Woolfolk |
The Penguin Dictionary of Symbols | Jean Chevalier & Alain Gheerbrant |
The Sacred World of the Celts | Nigel Pennick |
The Secret Teachings of All Ages | Manly P. Hall |
The Spirit Book | Raymond Buckland |
The Star that Never Walks Around | Stella Bennett |
The Subtle Body | Cyndi Dale |
The Tarot a Key to the Wisdom of the Ages | Paul Foster Case |
The Tarot of the Magi | Carlyle A. Pushong |
The Way Nature Works | Maxwell Macmillan International |
The Way of The Spirit | Time Life Books |
The Wiccan Year | Judy Ann Nock |
The Witch Book | Raymond Buckland |
The Witches Tarot | Ellen Cannon Reed |
The World of the Celts | Simon James |
Thoth Tarot | Aleister Crowley |
Tao Oracle | Ma Deva Padma |
Totems | Brad Steiger |
Traditional Tarot Reinterpreted for the Modern World | Adam Fronteras |
Twentyfirst Century of Quaotations | Princeton Language Institute |
Ulitmate Design Source Book for Crafters (images) | Search Press |
Understand Your Dreams | Alice Anne Parker |
Universal Fantasy Tarot | Paolo Martinello |
Wheels of Light | Rosalyn L. Bruyere |
Whispers in the Woods | Sandra Kynes |
Why Do We Say It Cliches | Castle Books |
Writers Inc | Kebranke/Kemper/Myer |