Tarot Resources

Tarot Resources

The information on this website comes from my own unique perspectives. Much of the information also comes from conveyances passed down through my lineage. Also, the majority of conclusions on this website come about from personal observation and meditation.

I do not use the internet as a resources because I feel this defeats the purpose of having an original and dynamic online source to symbols and signs.

Symbolic information on this website in need of fact-checking or fleshing out is made possible by this list of resources:

Alchemy & MysticismAlexander Roob
Alchemy & Mysticism The Hermetic CabinetAlexander Roob
All About the MonthsMaymie R. Krythe
Amulets & SuperstitionsE.A. Wallis Budge
Ancient IndiansRoy A. Gallant
AngelsJames Underhill
Animal SpeakTed Andrews
Animal Spirit GuidesSteven D. Farmer, Phd
Animal TotemsTrish MacGregor & Millie Gemondo
Animal WiseTed Andrews
Art Explosion 300,000 (images)Nova Development
Art Nouveau MotifsDover
Astrological GardeningLouise Riotte
AstrologyRonald C. Davison
Astrology Alchemy & the TarotJohn Sandbach
Best QuotationsLewis C. Henry
BirthsignsMolly Gowen & Lavinia Hamer
Book of Dream SymbolsKlaus Vollmar
Book of the Jaguar PriestMaud Worcester Makemson
Celtic MagicD.J. Conway
Celtic Moon SignsHelena Paterson
Celtic Myst & LegendsT.W. Rolleston
Celtic SymbolsSabine Heinz
Classic Tattoo Designs (images)Dover
Codes & Secret WritingHerbert S. Zim
Complete book of HerbsAndi Clevely & Katherine Richmond
Complete Book of WitchcraftRaymond Buckland
Complete Encyclopedia of Signs & SymbolsMark O’Connell & Raje Airey
Complete Guide to DivinationCassandra Eason
Complete Illustrated Book of the Psychic SciencesWalter B. Gibson & Litzka R. Gibson
Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Witchcraft & Practical MagicSusan Greenwood & Raje Airey
Complete Illustrated Guide to RunesNigel Pennick
Complete Medicinal HerbalPenelope Ody
Crafters Design Library of Fantasy (images)Chris Down
CreataCard (images)Broderbund
Cultural AntrhopologyHaviland
Crystal, Gem & Metal MagicScott Cunningham
Dancing with DragonsD.J. Conway
Decoding the CeltsClaire Hamilton & Steve Eddy
Decorations of the Art Nouveau PeriodCarol Belanger Grafton
Designs and Patterns for Embroiderers (images)Marion Nichols
Developing ESP PowerJane Roberts
Deviant Moon TarotPatrick Valenza
Dictionary of AlchemyDiana Fernando
Dictionary of Omens & SuperstitionsPhilippa Waring
Dictionary of SuperstitionsDavid Pickering
Dictionary of SymbolismHans Biedermann
Dictionary of SymbolsJ.E. Cirlot
Dictionary of SymbolsJack Tresidder
Dictionary of SymbolsCarl G. Liungman
Dictionary of Symbols, Myths & LegendsDidier Colin
Dictionary of the EsotericNevill Drury
Dictionary of World MythRoy Willis
Do It Yourself AstrologyLyn Birkbeck
Dragons a Natural HistoryDr. Karl Shuker
Dreamers DictionaryGaruda
Dreams an Illustrated GuideAdam Fronteras
Encyclopedia of Native American HealingWilliam S. Lyon
Encyclopedia of Tibetan Symbols and MotifsRichard Beer
Encyclopedia of Traditional SymbolsJ.C.Cooper
Everyday Life Through the AgesReaders Digest
Family Sun SignsAdam Fronteras
Fifty Thousand Web Graphics (images)Macmillan Digital Publishing
Get a Grip on DreamsMaeve Ennis & Jennifer Parker
Giant Encyclopedia of SuperstitionsThe Diagram Group
Goddess TarotKris Waldherr
Good MagicMarina Medici
Great Book of Dragon Patterns (images)Lora Irish
Guided by the MoonJohanna Paungger & Thomas Poppe
Guilded TarotCiro Marchetti
Haindl TarotHermann Haindl
Healing StonedJulia Lorusso & Joel Glick
Herder Dictionary of SymbolsBoris Matthews
Heroes of the DawnFergus Fleming
Hunab KuKaren Speerstra & Joel Speerstra
Illustrated guide to Signs & SymbolsClare Gibson
Illustrated Dictionary of Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the MayaMary Miller & Karl Taube
Illustrated Dictionary of MythologyPhilip Wilkinson
Illustrated Dictionary of ReligionsPhilip Wilkinson
Illustrated Encyclopedia of DivinationStephen Karcher
Indian Luck BookMonisha Bharadwaj
Initiation into the TarotNaomi Ozaniec
Intuitive TarotCilla Conway
It’s Raining Frogs & fishesJerry Dennis
Jupiter SignsMadalyn Aslan
Karma CardsMonte Farber
Keystone of Tarot SymbolsHoly Order of Mans
LeavesAlic Thoms Vitale
Leonardo DaVinci TarotI. Ghiuselev & A. Atanassov
Life on the Banks of the NileTime Life Books
Love SignsLinda Goodman
Magical Symbols of Love & RomanceRichard Webster
Making MedicineDavid Carson
Man and his SymbolsCarl G. Jung
Mandalas of the WorldRudiger Dahlke
Meaning of FlowersWarne
Medicinal PlantsHans Fluck
Medicine Wheel Earth AstrologySun Bear and Wabun
Minerva Rules Your FutureBarrie Dolnick
Morgan-Greer TarotBill Greer & Lloyd Morgan
Mother Earth SpiritualityEd McGaa, Eagle Man
Mythology of American NationsDavid M. Jones & Brian L. Molyneaux
MythsLucia Impelluso
Myths and Their MeaningMaxJ. Herzbert
Native Americans, an Illustrated HistoryAlvin M. Josephy, Jr.
Natural MagickCassandra Eason
Nature SpeakTed Andrews
Necronomicon TarotDonald Tyson
On AstrologyPeter Livingston
One Thousand Motifs for Crafters (images)Alan D. Gear & Barry Freestone
One Thousand SymbolsRowena & Rupert Shepherd
Osho Zen TartoOsho
Parkers’ AstrologyJulia & Derek Parker
Pictorial Key to the TarotArthur Edward Waite
Practical Feng ShuiLillian Too
Print Master Platinum (images)Broderbund
Print Workshop (images)ValuSoft
Psychic TarotCraig Junjulas
QuotationaryLeonard Roy Frank
Rider-Waite TarotArthur Edward Waite
Rodale’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of HerbsRodale Press
Runic TarotCaroline Smith & John Astrop
Sacred Rose TarotJohanna Gargiulo-Sherman
Secret Language of BirthdaysGary Goldschneider & Joost Elffers
Secret Language of RelationshipsGary Goldschneider & Joost Elffers
Seven ArrowsHyemeyohsts Storm
Shapeshifter TarotConway & Knight
Signs of LifeAngeles Arrien
Silver BroomstickSilver Ravenwolf
Sixty Two Hundred Remarks and EpigramsEdmund Fuller
Sky GodsKatherine Komaroff
Sleeping with a SunflowerLouise Riotte
Spirits, Fairies, Leprechauns & GoblinsCarol Rose
Stone Power IIDorothee L. Mella
Stories of Ancient PeoplesHenry Smith Chapman
StratagemsJulia Lorusso & Joel Glick
Sun SignsLinda Goodman
Symbolism Holidays Myths and SignsImam Alauddin Shabazz
SymbolsSandra Forty
Symbols of Native AmericaHeike Owusu
Tarot Mirror of the SoulGerd Ziegler
Tarot of the OrientSeverino Baraldi
Tattoo Designs (images)Henry Ferguson
Terrific Iron On Transfers (images)Leisure Arts
The AdeptsManly P. Hall
The Alchemical MandalaAdam McLean
The Amateur NaturalistNick Baker
The American Indian in AmericaJanye Clark Jones
The Art of DivinationDidier Blau
The Art of Shen KuZeek
The Book of Celtic SymbolsJoules Taylor
The Celtic ShamanJohn Matthews
The Complete New TarotOnno Docters van Leeuwen & Rob Docters van Leeuwen
The Crowley TarotAkron-Hajo Banzhaf/Aleister Crowley
The Egyptian MiracleR.A. Schwaller de Lubicz
The Element Encyclopedia of Magical CreaturesCaitlin Matthews
The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs & SymbolsAdele Nozedar
The Element Encyclopedia of the Psychci WorldTheresa Cheung
The Good Luck ZbookBill Harris
The Great cosmic MotherMonica Sjoo & Barbara Mor
The I Ching WorkbookR.L. Wing
The Key to AstrologyRaphael
The Maya in Life, Myth & ArtTimothy Laughton
The Mythic TarotJuliet Sharman-Burke & Liz Greene
The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever NeedJoanna Martine Woolfolk
The Penguin Dictionary of SymbolsJean Chevalier & Alain Gheerbrant
The Sacred World of the CeltsNigel Pennick
The Secret Teachings of All AgesManly P. Hall
The Spirit BookRaymond Buckland
The Star that Never Walks AroundStella Bennett
The Subtle BodyCyndi Dale
The Tarot a Key to the Wisdom of the AgesPaul Foster Case
The Tarot of the MagiCarlyle A. Pushong
The Way Nature WorksMaxwell Macmillan International
The Way of The SpiritTime Life Books
The Wiccan YearJudy Ann Nock
The Witch BookRaymond Buckland
The Witches TarotEllen Cannon Reed
The World of the CeltsSimon James
Thoth TarotAleister Crowley
Tao OracleMa Deva Padma
TotemsBrad Steiger
Traditional Tarot Reinterpreted for the Modern WorldAdam Fronteras
Twentyfirst Century of QuaotationsPrinceton Language Institute
Ulitmate Design Source Book for Crafters (images)Search Press
Understand Your DreamsAlice Anne Parker
Universal Fantasy TarotPaolo Martinello
Wheels of LightRosalyn L. Bruyere
Whispers in the WoodsSandra Kynes
Why Do We Say It ClichesCastle Books
Writers IncKebranke/Kemper/Myer

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