House Meaning in the Tarot

One of the many symbols often appearing in Tarot card readings is the humble house. But what does it mean when a house shows up in your reading? Is it simply a representation of shelter […]
by Avia ©
One of the many symbols often appearing in Tarot card readings is the humble house. But what does it mean when a house shows up in your reading? Is it simply a representation of shelter […]
About Four of WandsMeaning in Tarot When I see those four stoic, inviting poles at the forefront of the four of wands, my mind can’t resist the idea of celebrations held at the Maypole. You know, that […]
Tarot Numbers: Meaning of Four The meaning of Four serves as a backbone to the anatomy of numbers we experience in our lives and in our Tarot readings. If it were not for the number Four, we […]
About Tarot Pentacles Meaning The pop star Madonna said: “We’re living in a material world.” I don’t necessarily agree with this conveyance, but I do know the Tarot pentacles are a glimpse into the world of material […]
Exploring Castle Tarot Symbol Meanings At its simplest, the castle Tarot symbol represents a goal – an ideal of achievement usually after a long quest. How do I come up with this simplified symbolism? A […]