Tarot and Playing Card Correspondences

Tarot and Playing Card Correspondences The following is a dialogue I had about Tarot and playing card correspondences with someone who sent me a question about it. I hope M’s question and my response is […]
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Tarot and Playing Card Correspondences The following is a dialogue I had about Tarot and playing card correspondences with someone who sent me a question about it. I hope M’s question and my response is […]
Hermit Tarot Card Meanings In our fast-paced, harried world of today, we would all do well to do as the hermit does. In fact, hermit Tarot card meanings are all about keeping our pace and […]
Symbolic Fish Meaning in Tarot When we consider symbolic fish meaning in Tarot, we enter the watery realms of profound emotion, dreams, and intuition. We see fish in the suit of cups, so we’re talking about […]
About Three of PentaclesMeaning in Tarot When the Three of Pentacles hammers its way into our readings, we may be superficially impressed with the concepts of work, which leads us to the logical conclusion that […]
Ankh SymbolicMeaning in Tarot The ankh symbol meaning in Tarot deals with seeing through the opening of a new view. This view could be focused on the larger picture as we see the procession of […]
Introduction to the MinorArcana Tarot Card Meaning A technical definition for the Minor Arcana (as described in my Tarot meanings dictionary pages) is: The 56 minor cards that follow the first 22 Major Arcana cards. These […]
Temperance Tarot Card Meanings So many of the Tarot cards (seemingly all of them to one extent or another), deal with balance and its importance in our lives. Yes, certainly the Temperance Tarot card meanings […]
About Ten of WandsMeaning in Tarot The ten of wands feels a little anticlimactic after journeying through often heroic footsteps in the suit of wands. I sometimes get the feeling of a little school kid getting […]
About Queen of SwordsMeaning in Tarot If you could scoot up next to the queen of swords, what would she say to you? Here are a few ideas. This is written in the first-person from […]