Moon Signs in Tarot
Moon Signs in Tarot When we think of moon signs, our minds might typically wander into the realm of astrology. Moon signs in astrology represent the shadow side of ourselves – our natural tendencies we may not […]
by Avia ©
Moon Signs in Tarot When we think of moon signs, our minds might typically wander into the realm of astrology. Moon signs in astrology represent the shadow side of ourselves – our natural tendencies we may not […]
About History of Tarot Cards The history of Tarot cards is as enthralling and mystifying as the cards themselves. Tarot cards starting making their appearance in the 1400’s AD. However, the mystery behind the history […]
How to UsePlaying Cards for Tarot Reading I got a question about using playing cards for Tarot reading, here is her question: “Can I use ordinary playing cards for Tarot reading? I lost my Tarot […]
Question about the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread Hello Avia, I LOVE all your websites! I have a question about the meaning of the Celtic cross spread. I’m specifically confused about the “above you” and “below […]
About Four of WandsMeaning in Tarot With its bold messages of triumph and victory, the six of wands Tarot card meaning also hints admonishment at losing sight of our vision in the midst of our successes. Clearly, we’ve […]
About Three of CupsMeaning in Tarot As cups are the emotion keys, we are that much further pulled into the intoxicating heights of celebration this card proposes. When the Three of Cups shows up in […]
About Tarot Wands Meaning If the Tarot wands had a personality (and they certainly do, just as all the suits do) they would be the muse or the facilitators and cheerleaders of the deck. Wands represent: Spirit Creativity […]
Emperor Tarot Card Meanings The father figure of the Tarot deck, the Emperor Tarot card meanings are all about advice, wisdom, authority, and grounding. Take a moment to observe the Emperor card. It becomes apparent […]
About Tarot Cups Meaning Remove only the Tarot cups from your favorite deck and spread them in front of you. Don’t think about them, don’t start identifying with them, interpreting or labeling them. Simply let them […]
Understanding a Tarot Deck The first step in understanding a tarot deck is to familiarize oneself with the anatomy of the deck itself. Each full deck is comprised of 78 cards and can be three […]